MAHPBA 2023 Class “Social Media, Like It or Not”
DOWNLOAD our Social Media Class
Room: TBD
Time: 2:30 PM
CEU Type: Elective
Speaker: Shannon Good, Brad Good
Social Media, Like It or Not. How and Why You Should Engage
You might not be on social media, or even like it. But, your customers are there and it’s a powerful tool to tell your story.
To schedule time with your marketing superheroes, CLICK HERE
Brad GoodCo-Founder
Brad Good, Co-Founder of FutureNow Marketing, thrives on responding to industry needs with new and improved marketing tools. As part of a demographic target himself, Brad gains unique insight into customer wants and needs. This gives FNM a leg up in speaking to our clients’ potential customers. He also has a work-hard, play-hard mentality and is always willing to try something new. “Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.” — Victoria Holt
Shannon GoodCo-Founder
Shannon Good, one of the co-founders of FutureNow Marketing, advocates for prioritizing the consumer’s experience as the cornerstone of any marketing strategy, ensuring effective communication and connection with the intended audience. “Perspective is Everything” – Marcus Aurelius
Shannon is also a mother of three and a “Mimi” to 3 grandchildren. She has a work-hard, play-hard mentality, embracing all of life’s experiences.