MAHPBA 2023 Class “The Homeowner Experience”
DOWNLOAD The Homeowner Experience Class
Room: TBD
Time: 1:00 PM
CEU Type: Elective
Speaker: Shannon Good, Brad Good
The Homeowner Experience
Marketing doesn’t end at the sale. Service, Referral and a repeat process keep you customers, and more like them coming back
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Brad GoodCo-Founder
Brad Good, Co-Founder of FutureNow Marketing, thrives on responding to industry needs with new and improved marketing tools. As part of a demographic target himself, Brad gains unique insight into customer wants and needs. This gives FNM a leg up in speaking to our clients’ potential customers. He also has a work-hard, play-hard mentality and is always willing to try something new. “Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.” — Victoria Holt
Shannon GoodCo-Founder
Shannon Good, one of the co-founders of FutureNow Marketing, advocates for prioritizing the consumer’s experience as the cornerstone of any marketing strategy, ensuring effective communication and connection with the intended audience. “Perspective is Everything” – Marcus Aurelius
Shannon is also a mother of three and a “Mimi” to 3 grandchildren. She has a work-hard, play-hard mentality, embracing all of life’s experiences.